This class is open to all persons interested in learning more about the custom side of Intelliquilter. We will be using advanced editing and designing as we dig deep into the more creative side of IQ. This is a lecture, video and demo style class. I will provide a handout that covers the class content.
Please bring your tablet, power cord and quilt tops you would like suggestions for completing.
The class is from 10:00 -12:00, break for lunch away from Cary Quilt Company and resume 1:00 - 4:00.
Quilt top discussions will follow and class will end at 5:00 or before.
You may bring beverages that have closed tops to keep spills from happening.
This time of year, it's best to dress in layers for comfort. It's easier to remove a sweater than be too cool.
You are welcome to submit a question two weeks prior to the class and I'll do my best to address it.
This is an exciting class and I look forward to sharing the time with you!
The cost for this two day Class is 250.00 Register by emailing me with your contact information. Subject line... Cary Pop-up Class
Please make your check out to me and send to the address below
Sheridan Carter
129 General Griffith Circle
Rutherfordton, NC 28139